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Re: [HOE] Pbem online game?

--- Jeff Hoff <ybn1197@comcast.net> wrote:
> I'm about to run a Hell on Earth poem.

There was a strapping lad in'th Wasted West
Who wore a pistol bandolier and vest.
He cared not for a soul nor 'twas his own
And knew not man nor beast, but was alone.
When once a dead man pressed the boy to fear,
Through grit the young'un stood and showed a sneer.
He drew his pistol from the sash he wore
And stopped the zombie with but one shot sure.
A town he saved that lone and frigid night
But love from them would scarce set his heart right.
He walked out from that town to ne'er return,
But th'hope he left behind still brightly burns.


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