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Re: [HOE] OT-WW II setting

On Sunday, November 3, 2002, at 09:01 AM, Dr. Darius Hellstromme wrote:

Hi all!
This is Stephan from Germany. I´ve got a short off-topic question: Is the Weird Wars II - setting meant to be in the same Timeline/Universe as Hell on Earth and Deadlands? With the Reckoners and Hunting Grounds and everything?

As a slightly longer answer than another board member: No, it isn't.

Shane mentioned this when WW II: BotR came out. Basically, while youc an certainly use it as such, they aren't writing it that way. Things can potentially get real messy if you do, as even the allied US/Confederate forces that are mentioned to have worked together in the Deadlands WWII were probably still very tense allies.

Also, the 'feel' of the two games is different, even though both are horror games with a bit of occasional humor and such. Weirdness in the posse/party is not really common among starting WWII characters... Level 1 characters can't use the nifty prestige classes and such, whereas a starting Deadlands posse is likely to have a huckster, blessed, or at least a veteran who's seen things he shouldn't have.

In a way, WW is kind of like an alternate Deadlands setting I thought of. Basically, keep the standard Deadlands background, but set the game in late 1863/1864. A lot of the infrastructure that's popped up to support the Deadlands Arcane Backgrounds just wouldn't be their yet, and no posse members would have Academia: occult beyond a 1 or 2.

Anyway, feel free to ask more questions if this doesn't make sense.