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Re: [HOE] Gamers Beware! A word of warning!!!

On Tuesday, November 5, 2002, at 12:57  PM, Nick Zachariasen wrote:
> You know, I expected Shane to correct me if I was wrong, which as 
> usual I
> was. As I said, this is what I heard from Don & Mike, and I figured 
> they'd
> know better than I what happened. Of course, these are the same guys 
> who
> talk about Disney trying to deal with rats by poisoning hot dog chunks 
> (one
> of which a small child ate, but he recovered) and sending the Disney 
> Secret
> Police into tunnels in DisneyWorld with snubnose .38s to take care of
> 4"-diameter spiders. Of course, I wouldn't really be able to blame 
> them for
> the latter, as I'd bring a gun if I could use the thing for a 
> footstool. I
> guess the upside is that they're not presenting HIstory According to 
> Disney
> (tm), in which whites and Indians would have gotten along splendidly 
> and
> that pesky "Civil War" thing would've just been a slight 
> misunderstanding.
> Disney's just crass enough to do it (or so it would seem).
> Well, I've certainly derailed this thread, haven't I?

Hey, D&M are funny, but don't get your news and history from them, OK? 
Shane (and myself) seem to have been a bit closer to the topic at the 
time, and to be honest Don tends to be wrapped up in his own little 
world most of the time...

Oh, for those who don't know, Din & Mike are a syndicated show that has 
been on in the DC Metro area for a long time. Early on,  hey were a 
competitor to Howard Stern and have become one of the shows offered as 
an afternoon drive show to many of the stations that carry Stern. A bit 
less incendiary than Stern, and occasionally quite funny when they are 
just being 'average guys.'

The evils of Disney are another topic. They make good, family-friendly 
movies in general, although their record certainly isn't perfect and 
their historical accuracy policy seems to be a Hyena's laugh. Their 
theme-park branch has a definite reputation as being intrusive, and 
I've read articles about the amazing amount of power they have in and 
around Orlando. They supposedly had VPs living in trailers to allow 
them to be considered residents to smooth the path for Disney World to 
be built.

But they do make kids happy, I guess. And the Orlando area is a lot 
wealthier than it would have been without tourism, probably.

It's also fair to say that those people, such as my parents, who 
remember when Walt Disney was alive and running things remember that he 
was very concerned about education and such. While his successors may 
have lost sight of that goal, we can only hope that some of the 
leftovers from that day are still in the company and would be involved 
in the process.

Sorry, we're really off-topic now.