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Re: [HOE] Father Ramos site

> Three are three (maybe four) things that point to it being a fake site
> 1. the phone number given is a 555 number
> 2. If you read the source code, it clearly states that this is a White
> Wolf site.
> 3. the Tract has W.W.G.S on the front, which is for White Wolf Game
> Studios
> 4. The artist who did the Tract is actually a white wolf artist.
> The biggest clue is the phone number. I will admit that the site is in
> rather poor taste if you didn't realize what was going on. They should
> have put a signature line on the bottom referring to their main site...
> Yuri

Well has anyone bin able to load this web page up, I sure can't and I've got
cable modem.