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Re: Ewwww. (Was [HOE] Junker Stuff)

In a message dated 11/20/2002 1:14:31 PM Eastern Standard Time, zacharin@pluto.dsu.edu writes:

> Two words: Linda Hamilton.
> Nick Zachariasen
> Editor Emeritus
> Trojan Times

Nope. Linda is too. . .heroic. The point behind Jo is that she's an ordinary housewife who took on her responsibilities because she had to. Dana would be perfect because she's "softer," and would then *become* harder as the job took its toll on her. And yeah, Linda started that way too, but she's evolved already, and she doesn't look like Jo. Dana actually bears a striking resemblance to the original short-haired version of Jo. At least in my mind.

Dang! I gotta get back to work now. ;)
