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Re: [HOE] Deadcraft

On Friday, December 13, 2002, at 02:08  PM, Jason Young wrote:
>> Now if i tried Warcraft...... that would odd. Definatly D20 for that.
> No!!!!! The line is "Definitely Savage Worlds for that." :-)
> Do yourself a favor and check out Savage Worlds. It is going to be so 
> much
> easier to customize for different worlds than d20. I promise. Well, 
> Shane
> promises only that it will be easy to customize, and doesn't draw a
> comparison to d20, but I will. It'll be easier. You won't regret 
> checking
> it out.

Savage Worlds should also support the ability for a character to 
command a squad of troops AND still get combat done in a reasonable 
amount of time. Excellent for Starcraft, where a character would want 
to be accompanied by a squad of NPC marines...

Also, it looks like SW will deal better with nonhumans characters than 
Deadlands. Since only LC really needs nonhumans, it's not a big deal, 
but it should make protoss charcaters easier to deal with.