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[HOE] Saints

I believe that there's on aspect of being a Saint that people may be

Saints were, by vast majority, people who spent their time fighting Evil in one
way or another.... and John Wayne, cuz he had to be there.  

I don't see how Mr. T or Jackie Chan fought evil, they're perfomers, actors. At
best they provide fictional role models, but who would earn sainthood better, a
guy who did public service announcements, or a guy who took a stand vs evil and
risked everything. Although, I do see how this idea could be turned into and
interesting twist on the Templar, bring in a group of folks, 'Mock Templars' if
you will, and these people have Saints and these Saints are all guys like

Chow Yun Fat,
Mr. T,
Jackie Chan, etc,

   You know, Actor versions of the Templar Saints.  There are abilities,
except, these guys are all flash and no substance.  After all, there's one
thing in having

Saint Elliot Ness
   Looking out for you, and another in having

'Saint' Kevin Costner.