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[HOE] Re: [LC] Epitaph 4 contents- SHANE

In a message dated 1/21/2003 5:07:12 PM Eastern Standard Time, mightygecko@juno.com writes:

I'm sure if I'm asking for repeated information (sorry if I am), but what
is in the new Epitaph? All i can recal is a Lost Colony Adventure and new
Blood Mage spells for the Weird West. Is there anything else you can tell
us, or do we have to wait for the release? Does it have additional
information for Anouks? I seem to remember something about that.


Here you go. I'll have it on the website next Tues as well.

Should be in stores mid-Feb as it's off to the printers tomorrow!

BTW--if those of you who worked on A Cut Above don't see your name below, email me QUICK! ;)


Epitaph #4 Contents:
The Big Picture (page 2)
By Shane Hensley

New Rules for Deadlands D20 (page 7)
By Shane Hensley & Michael Kirk

Fort 51 (page 13)
By Eric Avedissian and Teller

This Ain’t Texas (page 39)
By Dave Ross & Rob Lusk

The Great Maze D20 Conversion (Page 49)
By Mark Metzner, Eric and Trevor Lee, and Brian Maloney

High Noon on the High Seas (page 67)
By Rob Lusk and the Flatlands Game Group

Night of the Ronin (81)
By Christopher McGlothlin, M. Ed.

A Cut Above
By Steven Walmsley, Brian Leybourne, and the Deadlands listserv!

Junkers 2.0 (103)
By Shane Hensley, from the system developed for Hell On Earth D20 by Fred Jandt

Knowledge is Power (109)
By Clint Black

Range Wars Solo! (117)
By Tony Van