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[HOE] More Syker Powers (Long)

More Syker Powers

Ok, i have no idea what this may look like once I send it out onto the list.
Hopefully, it won't be too garbled.  These are some Syker Powers I was
pondering.   Input appreciated.  I don't think I have seen them used before
but if they have, just ignore them.

Brain Fart
Type:  Psionic
TN:  Opposed (Spirit)
Strain:  2
Speed:  1
Duration:  Instant
Range: 10 yards/blastin' level

 Ever hold a person at gun point and then start wondering: "Did I cut the
safety off or on with my thumb?"  There are many names for this event in a
person's mental processes:  "Blonde Moment," "A Lapse of Memory,"
"Information Overload," and "Senior Moment."  However, Brain Fart is
probably the most famous term for it.  This power is most useful in moments
where you wished for a delay or a distraction.  Say, when you are staring
down the barrel of some brainer's gun.
 The power is a vamoose action, which is contested vs. Spirit.  The opponent
's action must be announced.  If the power wins, the syker can add one
simple action to the opponent's hand at the syker's choosing.  Each raise
adds another like event to the opponent's actions.  This pushes the actual
action down in the opponent's priority list. This can take many forms.  This
doesn't affect the actual action or cause the opponent to be controlled.  It
adds a small amount of doubt, which leads to an action that would delay a
would-be event.  A syker wanting to delay a point blank lobotomy that he was
about to receive, could put enough doubt (through suggestion) that the
brainer would invariably have to check his clip to see if it was loaded,
check over his shoulder to see if someone was approaching, check to see if
his shoes were untied, and/or adjust himself at a very inappropriate moment,
all delaying what should have been inevitable.

Idle Hands
Type:  Psionic
TN:  Opposed (Spirit)
Strain:  5
Speed:  2
Duration:  Concentration or 1 Strain/round
Range:  5 yds. / blastin' level

"Idle hands do the Devil's work" is what they say.  You can actually prove
it.  This power was used on Banshee by "Skinnies" to make their "victims" do
things they didn't want to do and actually allow those poor brainers to
watch it happen.  Meat puppet was fun but this made things even more fun for
them.  By actually mimicking the action the victim is supposed to do, they
could make the unfortunates perform acts, while they were kicking and
screaming.  Eventually, this was witnessed by a syker scout and reported to
the "Voodoo Gurus."   With this knowledge, mind freaks and even more
notorious sykers began to use this power to obtain both power and
Idle hands is more blatant than meat puppet.  Not only does the syker have
to be in view of the subject, he as to also be able to mimic the movement
that the poor brainer must perform, except when past the normal range of
motion.   The syker must win a blastin' versus the target's spirit.  If the
syker wins without a raise, they get control of finger or toe.  Now this may
seem small, but imagine a man unable to move his finger when attempting to
pull the trigger?  Or unable to release the trigger?  For a raise, the syker
can control the hand or the foot.  Again, this seems small, but keeping
someone "grip" on a grenade after the pin is pulled or having him drop it
before the grenade is ready.  However, for each raise, the control of that
limb becomes more and more dominant.   Three raises allow control of the arm
through NORMAL range of movement.   Four raises allow the arm to be moved,
painfully, in unusual manners.

Condition         Part
Success             Finger, Toe
One Raise         Hand, Toes
Two Raises        Wrist, Ankle
Three Raises         Elbow, Knee
Four Raises         Full Arm, Full Leg (Normal Movement)
Five Raises         Full Arm, Full Leg (Abnormal Movement)

Type:  Pyrokinetic
TN:  Opposed (Vigor)
Strain:  5
Speed:  2
Duration:  Instant
Range:  10 yards/blastin' level

 "Pyros," or pyrokinetic sykers, seem to lack the subtle nuances of several
of their brethren.  However, this was dispelled when a syker, named Capt.
Yuki Moriboshi, of the "Firewalkers."   She was able to generate the
phenomenon of "Spontaneous Human Combustion" and allowed "Pyros" to have an
assassination technique of their own.  S.H.C. causes the victim's own
electrical field to overload causing a quick and brilliant burst of energy.
This burst of biochemical energy is powerful enough to turn a person into
mere ash in seconds.
 To achieve this effect, the person must make an opposed Vigor roll versus
the victim's.   With a success, the victim feels heat in their body and
whiffs of smoke start to appear.  With a success and a raise, the poor
waster becomes a crispy critter.  This power works from the inside out, so
all armor penalties are ignored unless they are of an arcane nature.

C M Hylton