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[HOE] Massive damage

Seein as I'm currently on a roll, I would like to
continue my postin'-spree.

This here, concerns the way our glorious posse handles
the massive damage. 

First of all, we have decided to look away from the
"Iron Oasis" update on massive damage. Instead, we
calulate the damage total as normal, and count the
total of wounds. I.e. 30 damage from grenade equals 5
wounds. We then roll one d6 per wound, to check out
where the hell it ended up. 
1: Noggin'
2: Right Arm
3: Left Arm
4: Guts
5: Right Leg
6: Left Leg

Armor saves the way it usually does. I.e. A kevlar
vest would absorb two wounds to the guts. But, since
explosives are meant to knock you out, if it doesn't
kill you, we roll an equal amount of d6 in wind, no
matter how many may have been taken away by armor. Of
course, this rule does not apply if your lucky brainer
is wearin' one of them powered armors. Marshall never
really did like those. The wounds given by massive
damage can of course be removed by spendin' one of
your dear fate chips, this will also remove the wind

When we took a look at the rules for the damage
explosives caused, we figured them to be a bit to
dangerous. Instead of lowering the damage die, we
decided to lower the burst radius. 
Hand grenade or 40mm
Damage: 4d12
Burst radius: 5

The burst radius of a 20mm has been lowered to 3.

However, we have not lowered the damage for rockets
and such, as we thought they were meant to torture the
posse as they already do.

My $ 0.02

"I'm your huckleberry"

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