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Re: [HOE] Am I being too rough? [SPOILERS FOR MY POSSE]

> Spoiler Space for Nick's Posse


Here's a couple of thoughts that might . . . enhance the single
consciousness/two body idea. Forgive me if you've already considered all
this. (By the way, were Christopher Hintz' Paratwa inspirations for this

Either twin should be able to Vamoose on the other's card if the second
twin is looking at the first and can see the danger. (This does not apply
in reverse, of course; if one twin can't see the other, he can't see the
danger, so can't give up his card to save him.)

Either twin should be able to lend the other his Fighting skill, for the
purpose of determining a target TN to hit the twin in a Fighting roll
(being able to see an attack from two angles makes it easier to defend).
This can only be done if a given twin is not under any kind of attack
himself (hard to define "under attack" in Deadlands, but there's ways for
that to work).

One twin can use cards to Draw a Bead and the other twin can take the
shot, even if the shooter couldn't see the target during the Bead-Drawing.
In fact, either twin who can see the target can use cards to Draw a Bead,
regardless of who actually takes the shot. (That might need some
refinement, and maybe that one won't apply to these guys anyway, but I
like it.)

Be sure to use their abilities in an ambush -- the ambusher (probably
William) hides near where the posse will travel, but completely out of
sight. In fact, he can't even see from where he hides. The watcher can
observe the site from outside and at a distance and time things so that
the ambush happens at the optimal moment. (This is straight out of Hintz,
by the way.)

Hmmm, the more I think about this, the more I like it. I may transport the
shared-twin-consciousness idea into the Weird West to use it with my
current posse. Hmmmmm. . . .



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