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Re: [HOE] Time Travellin'

On Monday, March 24, 2003, at 03:10  PM, mosiondz@shaw.ca wrote:

> Heya,
> I read about the possibility of time travellin' through the Hunting 
> Grounds.  I was wondering how this type of time travellin' is enacted. 
>  I've read references to the Devil's Tower in Hell on Earth, although 
> I don't have the Devil's Tower trilogy so the details are a bit 
> sketchy for me.  Are there other means available for time travel?  A 
> Blessed Miracle, perhaps?  Weird Science?

The Unity adventure explains it in a bit more detail, such as it is. It 
covers the 'theory' of Time Travel in the Deadlands setting...

However, I think there's some conclusions we cand raw by looking at the 
powers of the ABs...

Hucksters can certainly get to the Hunting grounds, so I assume either 
an amazing attempt at navigation or some special stuff could make time 
travel possible, but I'd still limit it to 'epochs' as described by 

Shamans might be able to do the same. They can definitely reach the 
Hunting Grounds, if I remember correctly. However, I don't know if most 
shamans would want to travel. HoE and beyond are pretty unfriendly to 
old-style shamans.

Blessed don't seem to go for the grosser displays of power (Unless it's 
in genre for 'Biblical power'), but I guess it could happen. If the 
Diety in charge wants it to.

Mad Scientists have "Time Machine" listed on the invention chart, as I 
remember. They would certainly experiment with this, if they had an 
approriately crackpot theory for doing so.

As an aside, I started making notes for a time travel game that was 
basically a mish-mash of Chrono Trigger, Deadlands, and bits of other 
games like Deus Ex and similar. Like DL, I'm only allowing travel 
between broad time periods to prevent Bill & Ted syndrome and similar 
tricks. Plus, I get the coolness of having a magic vs tech axis for the 
different sub settings... Maybe I'll do some more on it when SW ships. 
My present draft concept will require developing 3 types of 'magic' and 
3 types of 'ultra tech' to be exploited, along with some interesting 
mundane characters.