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[HOE] Stone 1, Posse 0 (Spoiler)

Spoiler space

  Well, they ran into Stone (or Mrs. Stone if your
nasty) last night and it was ugly.  This was due to
the fact the a new character had drawn Stone'e Hit
List from veteran o' the weird west.
  Stone quickly killed the cyborg that was on his hit
list then went after the rest of the posse.  Now to
show that I'm not a complete bastard if any of the
posse had attempted to flee that would have been ok
with Stone, because he got what he came for.
  Well, they decided to go at it with stone, next went
the witch, followed quickly by the psyker/martial
artist (a character thats been played for about 3
years) and then the other cyborg.
  The templar and the toxic shaman decided that
fleeing was the better part of valour.
  The whole battle took less than 3 rounds, which is
to say all night in real time.
                               Horace Black

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