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Re: [HOE] Re: [Savage_Worlds] 2002 Origin Awards

i also added lost colony for game of the year.. heh, might as well try. ;-)

and all of the stuff by twilight creations for 2 reasons; 1, it rocks and 2,
the creators play doomtown.  dangit.. now i can't recall either of their
names.. doh..

marshal kt..

spread the love people..

They are indeed!

I have to say I'm a little disappointed in the Academy's decisions. There
are quite a few calls of. . .hmmm. . .I'll just say improper
decision-making. . .floating around the designers of the industry. I don't
care to get into that, but I do have to add my two cents.

Those of you who are fans, I'd like to see a write-in campaign for a few of
the products we nominated but were not placed on the ballot for whatever

Banshee Screams: Best Fiction
The Unity: Best Adventure
Lone Stars: Best Supplement

I'll have this on the web page tomorrow as well, but I thought it best to go
ahead and say something soon in case some of you got to voting early.

If you can encourage your friends to vote for these products as well, we'd
sure appreciate it!

If you have other opinions, of course you should vote your conscience. I ask
only because we were left off the ballot entirely, and I find that very
disappointing given the sales and the critical reviews of these particular

Shane Hensley