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Re: [HOE] Buildin' Borgs

--- Aaron Chusid <aaron@to-the-point.org> wrote:
> Hi all!
> My posse just made the transition from Weird to
> Wasted West (finally!), and
> a couple of the Harrowed are already eyeballin' the
> Cyborg goodies.  Ok,
> all of the Harrowed are.  But there's one little bit
> of info I can't find
> in any of the books; what's it take to become a borg
> in play?  Starting
> out, fine, it gives the guidelines.  But assuming
> they can even find
> someone to do the operation, what will it cost and
> what's the minimum to
> install?  Can you be a 'borg without an AI?
I don't have my copy of Cyborgs in front of me, so I'm
doing it all from memory. Anyway, my guesstimation is
that the Sugginses are probably the only ones in Hell
on Earth with sufficient know-how on cyborgs. Even
then, I'm skeptical that they have the facilities for
making new borgs, just for making repairs. Junkyard
could probably have such facilities, but nothing of
the sort is mentioned in Iron Oasis. Of course, they
make new borgs in Denver, but those aren't for the
PCs. As for AIs, their purpose is to keep the borg in
line, since many of the pre-war borgs were executed
criminals. So if there was someone out there who could
make new borgs, he/she probably wouldn't bother with
an AI.

I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is called a disgrace, that two are called a law firm, and that three or more become a Congress.
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