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Re: [HOE] Questions about making a Doomsayer

> 1) If I am reading and understanding it correctly, isn't the Lifetap
> hindrance (p. 48 of Children of the Atom) more like an Edge? I mean, it
> takes the cost of a spell and splits it amongst a Doomsayer's Strain and
> Wind. Since wind recovers at a point per minute, and since you can spend
> chips to negate/heal wind damage, doesn't this make it a bit abusive? If
> I had 12 strain and 12 wind, I could theoretically cast double the
> number of spells as a Doomsayer who had 12 strain and did not have the
> Lifetap hindrance. Am I missing something?

I'm answering this one because I know it off the top of my head. Lifetap has
been errataed to be an Edge. Still, even at 5 points many Marshals consider
it overpowered and either house rule it or disallow it altogether. One
popular house rule is that the Wind lost returns at the rate of 1/hour just
like Strain.

Nick Zachariasen