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[HOE] How do you piss off a servitor?

I had to share this with the list, for many reasons...I play a Syker in my buddies HOE game...along with some other chars run by our friends.  It's a fairly intresting group...with odd twists and even odder turns thanks to one of our latest additions.  Currently our "heros" are fleeing this servitor which is commonly called "Cancer Man" for the fact that he vomits forth a sticky substance that is much like a cancer except that it kills you and turns ya into one of his little cancer zombies.
Well, our Templar and Cancer Servitor did their little dance...Templar lops the guys head off and struts about it for a few seconds...until the guys head grows back on his shoulders.  Well, it's now when we figure that this guy has the same general beliefe system as my character does, if your not cheatin your not tryin.  So we proceed to shoot him...no effect...my brain blast is turned back at me...ack!  Now we are at the point where it's time to get the gang and get out of dodge!  So what do I do...park the semi i'm driving on him...yeah...he wasn't happy about that...hmm...wonder why  :)  Yeah he lived through it...even ripped himself out from under the vehical...but we managed to escape...minus one templar...who screams "Go, i'll handle him"  yeah right...but ya know...i see no problem with leavin the moron to play with the really nasty bad guy...heck...have fun mr. cancer man!  and more power to ya!!  mmmm nummy templar.  So we peel out of there...I hit noss in the truck of doom and jet out...
We find out, that the guys list used to be:  Templar, others...now it's Syker, Templar, others.  why because I parked a semi on him!!  hehe!  Take that plague!  :)  i know it may be just me rambling...but i thought some of you might get a kick out of the idea of parking a semi on a servitor  :)  and making him VERY mad  :)  laterz

Thanks a lot

Casey Ashmore
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