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[HOE] A Clever Solution (Major spoilers for "The Unity")

Just a story about what a member of my group did during our run through The Unity. This has a major spoiler so if you aren't a marshal or haven't played through the Unity adventure, stop reading now.













Okay, so everyone's aboard the Unity and trying to figure out how to start it up. Of course, it requires murder. Now, I was wondering how one of the players, Jeff, was going to take the realization that it requires one of the party to be murdered, as he doesn't usually take this sort of thing well. When his old character's powerful relic was eaten by the Devourer in "Leftovers," he insisted on diving down the thing's throat and getting it back. So as you can see, he doesn't take losing well.

Anyway, when the party realized what they were going to have to do to start up the engine, Jeff's character, a demolitions expert, made a decision. He set the C-4 charges he had in his pack to explode in 20 seconds, told the party that he was the only one who knew how to shut it off, and sat in the corner to wait for the other party members to pick someone to be murdered. Needless to say, Jeff's character was not chosen.

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