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[pack159_den3] [michaelmonaco@mac.com: [Pack159_Leaders] Campout cancelled - need head count for Pack mtg this Friday in cafeteria]

Per Michael, the camp out has been scrubbed.  We'll be doing something
at the school cafeteria tomorrow evening.  Please let me know if you'll be 
coming or not so I can forward a head count.


----- Forwarded message from Michael Monaco <michaelmonaco@mac.com> -----


Please pass the word and get a head count.   Too much rain for a  
campout.  Schedules too tight to reschedule.  So, we will do a very  
fun program in the cafeteria, starting at 7pm.

We will do the skits!!!!  Be sure your crew is ready.

No s'mores....ice cream sandwiches/bars instead (with fruit pops for  
allergy kids).  So, we need a new head count.

Other details to follow.  Apart from the skits, there will be games  
and perhaps a movie.  Herb has some very cool prizes for the games.

We will not sleep over night in the cafeteria.  (I was surprised that  
it is possible, but we need to give the school more notice.)

Final note (for now).  Webelo 2 dens...please arrive 15 minutes early  
to move tables and chairs.  Tigers do opening flags.  Need a volunteer  
den to do closing flags.


----- End forwarded message -----

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