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Re: [pbmserv-dev] just want to bounce this off you all...

Thanks John for your feedback.  
I still have difficulty understanding all of the core modules, that is
why I did not think of installing it as a regular feature for *all*
games by placing it into games.cpp; I do not know what side-effects it
would have with everything else.  
I think I would make it as simple as possible and just take one name at
a time and provide a way to add your own name several times to the list.
Then when it picks out players it will just pick out unique players' names.
I do believe that I would need a way to make it known whether you want 
x-player games with some value of x.  
<gametype> Waitlist <yourid> <password> <number of players requested>

then in the game files there would be a file "waitlist.data" with

BTW: I wish to say that I am looking over the core modules and I figured
out a way to read the input file and use it for move command storage (like
what Risque does where the commands are in the body of the email). 
Hopefully, I'll be able to write a game that requires a lot of commands placed
in the body of the email and I'll be able to do this without writing it in
perl!  :-)   (it'll be easier for me)

 Douglas Zander            | 
 dzander@solaria.sol.net   | 
 Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA |