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Re: [pbmserv-dev] ratings

The answer is... I've never figured out a good way to convert the
existing pbmserv rating code to a per game mechanism that is inheritable
by class.  

It needs work on my part... yep yep yep.  I dropped the ball...

*years* ago.

I'd been hoping to work on it during my summary vacation this year
but it seems my wife thinks I should help with the kids...  go figure.


On Sun, Sep 22, 2002 at 12:32:25PM -0700, Scott Huddleston wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Sep 2002, John Williams wrote:
> >I finally found out what happened to the fabled "new rating system" which
> >was going to be integrated in at one point, but I have not looked at it to
> >determine whether it supports joint wins, or how much work is left to make
> >it work at all.
> John,
> What IS the story with the fabled "new rating system" that never appeared?
> Thanks,
> - Scott
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