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Re: [pbmserv-dev] request for Danish Scramble

'Twas 07:36 PM +0100 on Sunday 11/30/2003 when Martin Moller Pedersen wrote:
One problem will be the three danish characters:
in html

Something got lost in the (character set) translation. Rather than seeing the Danish characters "øæå", I see...well scheiß, it did it again. Rather than "øæå"...damn. I plan to get rid of Eudora soon. I am hoping to go to Agent 2.0, if it ever ships. Eudora doesn't support the alt-nnn interface, and when I copy and paste I am getting the wrong characters, and there aren't even HTML codes for the diacritics I see. For o-slash I see r with a v over it, for ae-lig I see c-acute, and for a-ring I see l-acute. But I am sure that anyone who wants to play in Danish has software configured for Danish.

There are two things you need to implement a language in Scramble: a tile set and a dictionary. The dictionary is optional; the players can agree to abide by some other dictionary. The tile set is required. You need a distribution of letters and values for those letters that make sense in the language.

If players wish to play with a language for which there isn't even a tile set, you could have an ad hoc mode, where the tile set is specified in the body with the challenge command. Something like this:

scramble challenge -adhoc me you
9A1 2B3 2C3 etc.

Where the number before the letter is the count, and the number after the letter is the value.

http://www.gamerz.net/pbmserv/scramble.html only mentions French. Do we have other languages?
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