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Re: [pbmserv-dev] Q: array of integers

On Wed, 31 Dec 2003, Richard Rognlie wrote:

> You can construct a 2d array from a 1d array...   say you want a
> 6x8 matrix.  that's 48 elements.
> build a 48 element ReadWriteintList
> then access it as  array(x,y) ==>  array(8*x + y)

 That's what I thought of doing, I was just wondering if there was anything
written up for a 2D or 3D integer board class.   I guess not.  Thanks.
(I'm trying to read "lists.cpp" and my head is spinning :-)
( I was thinking of something like 
 int value;

 value = GetAt(3,4);

 value = value + 1;


 Douglas Zander