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Re: [pbmserv-dev] need hints and help with Windows

On Fri, Sep 17, 2004 at 09:22:41AM -0700, Douglas Zander wrote:
> thanks for the help everyone, I hope to start up a test server soon and
> hopefully get some new games on the server in a few months
> BTW: sharkey, what you said about, 
> #!/bin/sh  
> cat -
> is only for Unix machines, correct?  
> I would use Richard's suggestion: 
> while (count < 60 && (_fp = popen("/bin/echo -","w")) == NULL) {
> or would I need "c://bin/echo -" ??? (or whatever my absolute path to echo.exe
> is)???

/bin/echo is wrong wrong wrong... I mistyped.

/bin/cat is the correct unix turn.   it just takes things written to
stdin, and re-writes them to stdout.

another way is to make

_fp = stdout

or _fp = fopen("/some/file/somewhere","w")

and when you're done, check that file's contents

 /  \__  | Richard Rognlie / Sendmail Ninja / Gamerz.NET Lackey
 \__/  \ | http://www.gamerz.net/~rrognlie    <rrognlie at gamerz.net>
 /  \__/ |      The early bird gets the worm
 \__/    |      But the second mouse gets the cheese