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Re: [pbmserv-dev] Wiki

Excellent!  I can think of a bunch of topis I would
like to add right off the bat...  Of course finding
time to actually add them is another story.

Are we going to migrate the existing help content?


--- Mark Ballinger <mballinger@ballinger.cx> wrote:

> As an experiment in organizing our little community,
> I've set up a "GamerzWiki", and Richard has kindly
> created a DNS entry for me:
> http://wiki.gamerz.net
> My intention is, initially, for developers to put
> plans, thoughts and even documentation on this site,
> which is collaboratively maintained by whoever wants
> to use it.  Perhaps we can also put down ideas for
> new games, or even contact information for where
> we've
> sought permission from game publishers to adapt
> their game to PBeM.  Down the road, I'll be happy to
> see to what other uses the wiki is put.  That's part
> of the fun!
> Anybody adding content to the gamerz wiki will have
> to register and login.  This is a simple process 
> and mostly painless.
> If anybody thinks this is a colossally bad idea, let
> me know.  Otherwise, let's start putting our
> thoughts down on the wiki.
> -mark
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