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Re: [pbmserv-dev] Never mind

On Sun, Sep 25, 2005 at 09:12:22PM -0600, Robert Barrell wrote:
> Richard Rognlie wrote:
> >Great!   but perhaps you might consider putting the changes in
> >gomoku.{h,cpp} vs go,   since gomoku is the parent for many games in
> >the go family, and they might all benefit.   But then again, depending
> >on the code complexity, I might move it.
> > 
> >
> The code is VERY simple.  I did consider putting it in Gomoku, but I'm 
> not as familiar with gomoku.  In the SGF standard, it is game number 4, 
> and Go is game number 1, so that implies that there are at least some 
> differences in the SGF properties between the two games.  I would need 
> to study more about Gomoku before I would be comfortable making Go a 
> subset of Gomoku (especially since, as far as the actual games are 
> concerned, it's the other way around).

in the pbmserv hierarchy, gomoku is one of the simplist possible 2-D
games (add a stone to a 2d board... has someone won?... lather-rinse-repeat)

Go, Pente, et al, add the idea of capture to the placement of the stone.

That's why Gomoku is the base class for so many other games.

So... for Gomoku, you'd change the Go "move" ;B[xy] to a simpler "add stone"

I don't know how you'd tell it to do Pente stuff (add a stone that removes
N other stones... I can't find a list of GM settings. (other than this)

    * Go (GM[1])
    * Backgammon (GM[6])
    * Lines of Action (GM[9])
    * Hex (GM[11])
    * Amazons (GM[18])
    * Octi (GM[19])
    * Gess (GM[20])
    * Twixt (GM[21]) 

> >Send it to me, please.   Ideally as a patch file.
> Will do so under a separate email.

Installed and working.  I was able to download both a Go match and a
Gonnect match... no problem.   Cut-n-pasted the sgf text into a file and
loaded it into a SGF viewer (qGo)... worked great.

You might want to add a game ID(entifier) [aka the board number] to 
go along with the PC, PB and PW entries you have to show which board 
you're looking at (yes, I know it's in the Subject, but the SGF viewer
doesn't see the subject).

it might be nice if the sgf file was an attachment, but that'll require
MIME trickery when printing the data out.   Should be doable though.
Something like...

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=sgf-board-boundary

Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: inline

some comment here, perhaps

Content-Type: application/sgf; name="boardno.sgf"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="boardno.sgf"

[sgf stuff]


 /  \__  | Richard Rognlie / Sendmail Ninja / Gamerz.NET Lackey
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 /  \__/ | Creator of pbmserv@gamerz.net
 \__/    |                Helping reduce world productivity since 1994