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FW: multiple - OOPS!!

'Twas 00:00 -0400 on Thursday 6/14/2001 when pbmserv-users-owner@gamerz.net 
>Subject: FW: multiple - OOPS!!
>Don't trust Outlook to automatically pick the correct entry in your
>address book.
>Sorry everybody ;)

I've done it myself, and we're not alone.  My solution in Eudora is to use 
stationery.  I do new email with PBMult stationery, and it has the To 
address ("pbmserv@gamerz.net"), the Subject ("multiple"), and my games in 
the body.  All I do is add the move at the end of each line, and delete the 
games I'm not moving in.  I hardly ever type the password, it's already there.

Or rather that's what I did when I was playing.  I'm not taking any games 
until after I move.

RB |\  Randall Bart
aa |/  Barticus@usa.net        1-818-985-3259       Barticus@att.net
nr |\  8321 Burnet Av #1, North Hills, CA 91343
dt ||\ Students For A Drug-Free White House:  http://justsayblow.com
a   |/ I Love You                     Computer Programmer since 1972
l   |\ MS^7=6/28/107            12 years Unisys/Burroughs experience
l   |/ DOT-HS-808-065                    http://RandallBart.com/Nerd