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Broadcast from fritzd via PBM Server

Onyx, Twixt, Hex, Y and Havannah players.

As recently broadcast, Onyx is now on the server (thanks Douglas
Zander!).  As the board is somewhat complicated and hard to represent
in ASCII you might prefer a graphical board. Therefore: dispbot.

For those playing (or interested in) Onyx, Twixt, Hex, Havannah or Y,
you can now see your games on the web. The dispbot robot keeps track
of your games and keeps the latest board positions at
http://www.math.lsu.edu/~wamelen/gamerz.html. All boards are available
in either PostScript (much smaller files) or PDF format (Adobe's PDF
reader/printer is free). These files were designed to look best when
printed out and they are good for planning your next move using pencil
and eraser. But even on your screen they are nicer than the ASCII art
that gets mailed to you. The boards get updated as soon as dispbot
receives the subscribed board by e-mail, so probably before you read
your mail. It might take a few hours before a newly started board
shows up though (dispbot only checks for new boards approximately
every 12 hours).

Fritz Deelman (fritzd)