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Challenges wanted!

I'm looking for challenges in the following games.  I have set limits for
each of them, and accept challenges up to my limits.

Note that several of them are games I have hardly played before, and am
looking to try out.

Game (limit, my playing strength)

abalone          ( 8, average) only games with the "-bowl" option
amazons          (20, average)
ataxx            ( 4, weak)
breakthrough     ( 8, beginner)
checkers         (20, average)
chess            ( 4, weak)
chinesecheckers  ( 8, weak) only games with the "-long" option
coneutron        (20, average)
draughts         ( 8, beginner)
entropy          ( 8, beginner)
epaminondas      ( 8, beginner)
gipf             (10, beginner)
go               (10, weak) only "-medium" and "-large" games
gonnect          ( 4, beginner)
hex              ( 6, average) only default size games
hnefatafl        ( 8, weak) only default size games
loa              ( 8, weak)
neutron          (20, average)
octi             ( 8, weak)
octi3base        ( 4, beginner)
othello          (50, strong)
reversi          (20, strong)
rothello         (20, strong)
scramble         ( 4, weak)
shogi            ( 6, weak)
trax             ( 4, beginner)
twixt            ( 4, weak) only default size games
xiangqu          ( 4, beginner)
zertz            (10, average)

While at times, I might reply quickly, I often tend to get busy with "real
life" and be a rather slow player.  So if you don't like long games, don't
bother challenging.

Also, I prefer to not have more than one pair of games against the same
opponent in the same game (one game with each player starting).

user-id: unic

Good gaming everbody!

/unic, eagerly awaiting challenges

-------------------------|  \ _,           "Search for the unicorn in
   Ola Mikael Hansson    |   /*.\___        your heart, believe - and you
-------------------------|   ` ( __ )\      shall find true beauty!"
  unic@df.lth.se         |     (l  (l '