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Broadcast from dshort via PBM Server

I'm still looking for players for the new Omegachess tournament.
It will likely be a round-robin tournament with 2 sections,
a preliminary round section and then a finals section, but I
still want to wait until I know how many players I have before
determining exactly how many sections I can create and how many
games there will be in each round. If you would like to enter
the Omegachess tournament please email me your PBM userid
at DavidNYJfan@hotmail.com
So far I have 8 people signed up for it. If you have signed up
already please be patient. I hope to be able to start it soon.
Also, let me update you all on some other PBM tournaments
that I have organized previously or wish to organize soon.
The Scramble tournament is late in its second round now,
with 12 players soon to be whittled down to 6. When we get
down to 6, there will be two 3-player games, with the winners
of those games advancing to a championship round, best
2-out-of-3 finals, while the losers from the 3-player games
will all compete in one 4-player board for third place.
The Othello tournament is in its first round, its a single
elimination tournament, which will be reduced from 16 players
to 8, to 4 and then finally 2 finalists will also play best
2-out-of-3 for the championship.
I had also hoped to run a Checkers tournament and structure
it the same way, but so far I have only received 9 entries,
so I am still accepting entries for the checkers tournament!
If you would like to play in it please email me your PBM userid
at the address above!
The first "chess variants unidecathalon" tournament concluded
and sharkey and karakusk had the best records. A second
"chess variants unidecathalon" tournament is under way and
I will try to send out an updated standings to the players
involved soon.
The Doublechess tournament I am currently running is in
its first round and is progressing.
Finally, I am proud to announce the first ever CHESS
tournament on the PBM server! This server does fascilitate
many different chess variants, and yet CHESS itself is probably
played more often on PBM than any of the variants.
I know there are a lot of chess enthusiasts on this server
so listen up! The tournament will be limitted to the first 25
players who contact me to sign up. As soon as I have
received 25 entries I will rank all of the players who have
signed up from 1 to 25 based on the most up-to-the-minute
chess standings on PBM, ranking established players ahead
of provisionally rated players, and ranking all unrated players
(players with no previous PBM chess rating) at the bottom
in alphabetical order. I will then proceed to create five
5-man sections. The first section will contain players
#s 1, 6, 11, 16 and 21. The second section will contain players
#s 2, 7, 12, 17 and 22. The third section will contain players
#s 3, 8, 13, 18 and 23. The fourth section will contain players
#s 4, 9, 14, 19 and 24. The fifth section will contain players
#s 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25. In the first round of the tournament
each player will play a total of four games, two with the
white pieces and two with the black pieces, a total of one game
against each of the other players in your section. The five
section winners will then advance to a finals section, which
will also be a 5-man section structured the same way. In the
event of a tie for first place in a section, the first tie-breaker
is the head-to-head result between those players. If that
game was a draw, or in the event of a three-way tie where
A beat B, B beat C, and C beat A, I will advance all tied players
into the finals section and simply create a larger finals section.
There are no prizes for this tournament, but on the other hand,
entry is free, and all games will be rated on PBM. These games
will be tournament games, and the time control for tournament
games on PBM is that you must complete at least one move
per 7 days or forfeit the game immediately. If you wish to take
vacation time during the tournament, please contact your
opponent well in advance and contact Richard Rognlie to be
placed on the vacation list. Let's find out who the best PBM
chess players are! Play-By-Email is very similar to correspondance
chess (or "postal chess" as it is sometimes called) and any
veterans of correspondance chess will feel right at home in a
tournament like this! So don't delay! Sign up today!
When you contact me, please make sure you indicate your
PBM userid and tell me which tournament you are entering.
(it is permissible to enter more than one tournament!
also you do not need to have ever completed a game of the
type you are entering to be allowed to play! unrated players
are welcome!) Also I would ask that everyone who wishes to
enter one of the tournaments that I am entering please email
me directly, rather than use the "message" command on PBM
to contact me. I need an email address for you. If for any reason
you wish me to use a different email address to contact you
later than the one you are using to sign up for the tournament
please be sure to specify that when you write.

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