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Abelone - moving 4 marbles???


my opponent just moved 4 marbles in our Abelone games... according to the
rules of Abelone, both as I've learned them, and as they are given on the
server's webpage ( http://www.gamerz.net/pbmserv/abalone.html ), you're
only allowed to move up to 3 marbles at once.

Yet, my opponent just moved 4 and pushed 3 of mine, one of them off the
board... what does this give?  Have we been playing assuming different
rules?  I've played and planned according to the rules as I know them, and
as given on the web page.

How do we resolve that?  Is this a known bug of the server?  Or even an
intended, but undocumented feature?


-------------------------|  \ _,           "Search for the unicorn in
   Ola Mikael Hansson    |   /*.\___        your heart, believe - and you
-------------------------|   ` ( __ )\      shall find true beauty!"
  unic@df.lth.se         |     (l  (l '

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2002 17:23:22 -0400
From: Richard's PBeM Server <pbmserv@gamerz.net>
To: unic@df.lth.se
Subject: Abalone Board 170 unic

Summary of Abalone Board 170

It is unic's turn.

   Player 1     Player 2
   unic         pedro
  35 E4-D4,C4  36 D3-C3,B3
  37 A3,A4     38 D7-D5,D4
  39 C2-C1,D1  40 C6,D7
  41 C5-C4,C3  42 D7-D4,D3

             1 2 3 4 5
            / / / / / 6
        A- . 1 . 1 . / 7
       B- . 1 2 2 . . / 8      Player 1 unic    1
      C- . 2 1 1 . . . / 9     Player 2 pedro   1
     D- 1 1 2 2 2 2 . . /
    E- . . 1 . 1 . . . .
     F- 2 . . 1 1 . . .
      G- 2 2 1 1 . . .
       H- 2 2 2 . . .
        I- . . . . .