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[pbmserv] Broadcast from drp via PBM Server


 Round 1: Sixteen players enter
 Part I:
  Each is allocated 100 points for them to allocate amongst the games
  on Richard's PBeM server. The fifteen most popular games will be
  selected for the round of the tournament, with ties broken randomly.
  Each person must split the 100 into non-negative rational quantities
  and must give positive quantities to at least fifteen games. A "game"
  here means a game present on this server for 2 people, with all
  relevant options suggested.
 Part II:
  The sixteen players will be allocated seed numbers randomly.
  The games will be allocated numbers randomly.
  The games will be allocated as follows:

  GAME  1: 1-16 2-15 3-14 4-13 5-12 6-11 7-10 8-9
  GAME  2: 1-3 2-16 4-15 5-14 6-13 7-12 8-11 9-10
  GAME  3: 1-5 2-4 3-16 6-15 7-14 8-13 9-12 10-11
  GAME  4: 1-7 2-6 3-5 4-16 8-15 9-14 10-13 11-12
  GAME  5: 1-9 2-8 3-7 4-6 5-16 10-15 11-14 12-13
  GAME  6: 1-11 2-10 3-9 4-8 5-7 6-16 12-15 13-14
  GAME  7: 1-13 2-12 3-11 4-10 5-9 6-8 7-16 14-15
  GAME  8: 1-15 2-14 3-13 4-12 5-11 6-10 7-9 8-16
  GAME  9: 1-2 3-15 4-14 5-13 6-12 7-11 8-10 9-16
  GAME 10: 1-4 2-3 5-15 6-14 7-13 8-12 9-11 10-16
  GAME 11: 1-6 2-5 3-4 7-15 8-14 9-13 10-12 11-16
  GAME 12: 1-8 2-7 3-6 4-5 9-15 10-14 11-13 12-16
  GAME 13: 1-10 2-9 3-8 4-7 5-6 11-15 12-14 13-16
  GAME 14: 1-12 2-11 3-10 4-9 5-8 6-7 13-15 14-16
  GAME 15: 1-14 2-13 3-12 4-11 5-10 6-9 7-8 15-16

  The order of the players in the game will be chosen randomly.
  You get 3 points for a win and 1 point for a draw. All the players
  with an equal highest number of points go on to the next round.

 If an even number of players enter, say 2N, then the players again
 allocate 100 points to choose 2N-1 games. The players will be allocated
 seed numbers randomly, and the games will be allocated following the
 pattern above. Basically each player will play each opponent exactly

 If an odd number of players enter, say 2N, then the players again
 allocate 100 points to choose 2N-1 games. The players will be allocated
 seed numbers randomly, and the games will be allocated such that each
 player plays each opponent exactly once and will play every game but one.

 3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw. All the players with an equal
 number of points get into the next round.

1) The initial time limit for each game is as in the recently started
backgammon tournament. That is 75 days total time limit and up to 21 days
of Vacation time per round.

2) After selection of games in a round, each player still present may
suggest a new time limit for each game (but not less than the time limit
in rule 1). If more than half of the players suggest increasing the time
limit (potentially because the game takes a very long to play), then the
time limit will be moved to the median of the suggestions (taking the
initial time limit as the suggestion for people who didn't suggest

A. drp
B. rrognlie
C. jeroen
D. stighemmer
E. sharkey
F. pedro
G. andidi
H. arth

If you are on that list, message me to confirm if you still want in. If
you are not, and you want in, message me.