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[pbmserv] Broadcast from camb via PBM Server


Experts at the Druid Research Institute have been working around the clock 
to translate recently unearthed manuscripts, which give new insight into 
the lives of these mysterious cultists. Latest discoveries include two new 
games that the Druids liked to play (described below).

I'm especially interested in Druid's Walk on the hexagonal board. Please 
challenge me:

   druid challenge yourname camb -hex -walk
   druid challenge camb yourname -hex -walk

Druid's Hex

    Two (or sometimes three) different sects of Druids prefer to build
    their monument at the Giant's Causeway, which is composed of hexagonal
    columns of stone. The aim is the same as that of standard Druid, namely 
to connect opposed edges with stones of your colour.

    The following example shows a three-player game won by X, who has
    completed a chain of X stones between the X sides. Use the -hex option
    to start a game on a hexagonal board.

              O                     E9                     X
                              D8  /     \  _____
                            _____/       \/     \
                       C7  /             /  o o  \ G7
                     _____/       .     /\  o o  /____
                B6  /                   \ \     /     \  _____
              _____/       .     .       \/     \      \/     \
         A5  /        _____              /  o o  \     /  x_____ I5
       _____/       ./   _____    .     /\  o o  /    /\  /     \___
      /             /  o/     \         \ \     /   _____/  X X  \  \
     /       .    _____/  y y  \ .   _____/     \  /        X X  /   \
     \           /        y y  /    /     \ o_____/  X X   _____/    /
      \    _____/  y y   _____/____/  y y  \/        X X  /____/    /
      /   /        y y  /____/        y y  /  X X   _____/____/     \
     /   /  y y   _____/____/  y y   _____/\  X X  /____/     \      \
     \  /\  y y  /____/        _____/____/\ \_____/____/  y y  \     /
      \/\ \_____/   \/  y y   /     \    \ \/____/____/\  y y  /    /
      /\ \/____/    /\  y y  /  x x  \ x  \/     \    \ \_____/     \
  Y  /\ \/____/    /\ \_____/\  x x  /____/  o o  \    \/____/       \  Y
     \ \/____/     \ \/____/\ \     /        o o  /____              /
      \/____/       \/____/\ \/     \ o o   _____/     \      .     /
      /                   \ \/  x x  \o o  /____/  o o  \_____      \
     /       .     .       \/\  x x  /____/____/\  o o        \      \
     \  _____              /\ \     /     \    \ \_____   o o  \_____/
      \/     \      .     /\ \/     \ x x  \    \/____/\  o o        \
      /  y y  \           \ \/  x x  \x x  /          \ \_____   o o  \
     /\  y y  /    .   _____/\  x x  /____/    .       \/____/\  o o  /
     \ \_____/        /     \ \_____/____/                   \ \_____/
      \/____/       ./  x x  \/____/____/       .     .       \/____/
            \       /\  x x  /____/                           /
         A1  \_____/\ \_____/    .       .     .        _____/   I1
                   \ \/____/                           /
                B1  \/____/       .     .        _____/   H1
                          \                     /
                       C1  \_____         _____/   G1
                                 \       /
                              D1  \_____/   F1

              X                     E1                     O

                 .                                   .
               .     o                             .     1
            .     .     .                       .     .     .
         .     .     o     x                 .     .     1     1
      .     o     .     .     .           .     1     .     .     .
         .     .     o     X                 .     .     1     3
      .     y     y     X     .           .     4     2     3     .
         y     y     X     y                 4     2     3     1
      y     y     x     .     .           4     2     1     .     .
         .     x     o     .                 .     3     2     .
      .     .     o     o     .           .     .     2     1     .
         .     x     .     o                 .     3     .     1
      y     .     x     .     o           1     .     2     .     1
         .     x     .     .                 .     3     .     .
            x     .     .                       2     .     .
               .     .                             .     .
                  .                                   .

      A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I           A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I

Druid's Walk

    Druid's Walk can be played on any of the Druid variants. In
    this game, a Druid hops on the first stone of his colour to be played
    on one of his edges, and must step, climb or jump from one
    same-coloured stone to another to reach the opposite side. Use the
    -walk option to start a game of Druid's Walk.

    Rules are as per standard Druid until a stone is placed on a friendly
    edge for the first time, in which case a Druid is placed on top and
    each turn thereafter consists of two parts:
      1) Place a stone as per usual (compulsory); and
      2) Move your Druid (optional).

    The Druid can only move to adjacent stones of the same colour (height
    differences are not important). Stones cannot be placed over any
    Druid, and Druids cannot move into gaps left underneath stones.

    Each player can have only one Druid on the board. Each Druid's
    position is indicated as follows:

      ||*v*v*|     Square version
       /     \
      / *y*y* \
     /\ *y*y* /    Hexagonal version
     \ \_____/

    The first Druid to reach the opposite side is the winner.