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[pbmserv] Broadcast from eholzman via PBM Server

Another fortnight, another letter "notch" to add to my belt...

Now taking challenges in all "F" games (which is a remarkably short

fanorona challenge eholzman <you> AND/OR fanorona challenge <you>
fireandice challenge eholzman <you> AND/OR fireandice challenge <you>
focus challenge eholzman <you> AND/OR focus challenge <you> eholzman

BTW, Focus was designed by Sid Sackson and is of particular interest to
me (seeing as I own just about every game Sid ever designed and had
published either in the US or Germany).  I have copies of the original
Focus and the MB reprint (under the title of Domination).  My wife is
getting tired of me begging her to play again (she can't stand abstract
strategy games).  I would even play a 4-player game of Focus.