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Re: [pbmserv] Broadcast from camb via PBM Server

On Tue, Jun 01, 2004 at 10:51:08PM -0400, pbmserv wrote:
> Quick question for Go players. In the following game there are some cells 
> in the middle that neither player can hope to win:
>   . o o x x x .
>   o o o x x x x
>   o o o . x x x
>   o o o . x x x
>   o o o . x x x
>   o o o o x x x
>   . o o o x x .
> How do these cells affect scoring - are they just treated as a neutral 
> territory and ignored?

As kiwibill points out, it depends on the scoring algorithm the players

But this is an edge case that has no bearing (due to the multiple eyes both
groups have)

but what if each group also had 1 eye filled?

>   o o o x x x x
>   o o o x x x x
>   o o o . x x x
>   o o o . x x x
>   o o o . x x x
>   o o o o x x x
>   . o o o x x .

Now it becomes a SEKI case.   The player who plays the piece that
fills in the middle will lose their entire group

 /  \__  | Richard Rognlie / Sendmail Ninja / Gamerz.NET Lackey
 \__/  \ | http://www.gamerz.net/~rrognlie    <rrognlie at gamerz.net>
 /  \__/ |      I didn't say it was your fault,
 \__/    |      I only said I was going to blame you for it