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 _/ \_  A B S T R A C T A . . .            _   _
/ \_/ \             . . . M A R A T H O N / \_/ \   <><><> 24TH WEEK <><><>
\_/ \...the first ABSTRACT GAMES MARATHON.../ \_/
                     through the PbeM Server\_/

HEX TOURNAMENT UPCOMING...................
REGISTER: www.pergioco.net/Abstracta.htm

============================    =======================
M A R A T H O N   TOP SCORES == TOURNAMENTS IN PROGRESS ====================
============= Pts. Gms. ====    =======================  1st Act: N-IN-A-ROW
 1. imperatore 141 (12) FF      NMM        0%                      Final Rnd
 2. gfb        126 (17) FFF     GOMOKU     0%                      Final Rnd
 3. pergioco   123 (13) FF      CONNECT4X4 ||||||||||||||||||| 99% 1st phase
 4. jeanm_m    115 (18) FFF     FIRE&ICE   |||||||||||||||||| 93%  1st phase
 5. drp        102 (24) FF      PENTE      |||||||||||||||||| 91%  1st phase
 6. mmammel    102 (13) FFFF    1st Act FINAL ROUND(S)  (start: ?)
 7. skouboe     97 (15) F       ======================= 2nd Act: CONNECTIONS
 8. jeanp-a     90 (17) FFF     HAVANNAH   |||||||||| 53%          1st phase
 9. lucax       89 (18)         LOA        |||||| 32%              1st phase
10. marco       85 (24) F       HEXADE     |||||| 32%              1st phase
11. kiwibill    76 (13) F       HEX                     (start: 16 Oct 2004)
12. robsaranga  75 (08)         TWIXT                   (start: 30 Oct 2004)
13. erik        73 (12) F       2nd Act FINAL ROUND(S)  (start: ?)
14. megamau     71 (12) F       ============================= 3rd Act: JUMPS
15. eratos      68 (18)         PHUTBALL                (start: ?)
============================    DAMA (TURKISH CHECKERS) (start: ?)
N-IN-A-ROW        TOP SCORES    EMERGO                  (start: ?)
============= Pts. Gms. ====    HEXXAGON                (start: ?)
1. imperatore 102 (01) FF       ZERTZ                   (start: ?)
2. gfb        102 (00) FFF      1st Act FINAL ROUND(S)  (start: ?)
3. jeanm_m     94 (00) FFF
4. drp         93 (02) FF       <-- Gms. = first phase games in progress
5. mmammel     93 (00) FFFF     <-- F = final rounds to play
============= Pts. Gms. ====
1. pergioco    42 (10) F
2. imperatore  39 (11)
3. andidi      39 (11)
4. stcharles   30 (11)
5. megamau     27 (12)