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[pbmserv] Werewolf 148 forming

well... 147 was disappointing... the battle between the whos and the grinches
was a tie.  (effectively making the grinch the winner)

So...  148 is forming.  

Theme:  Favorite new year's eve concoctions.

Start time: Monday Noon-EDT ish.  (maybe a little later to give the west 
coasters a chance to sign up monday morning their time)

 /  \__  | Richard Rognlie / Sendmail Ninja / Gamerz.NET Lackey
 \__/  \ | http://www.gamerz.net/~rrognlie    <rrognlie at gamerz.net>
 /  \__/ |      
 \__/    |      Vegetarian -- n., Old indian word for "bad hunter"