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[pbmserv] Broadcast from volta via PBM Server

I seem to be having a problem with mhearts:

  Syntax is "MHearts move <board> <userid> <password> <move>"
  Original message follows:
  >From: mike ledoux <mwl+gamerz@volta.dyndns.org>
  >To: "Richard's PBeM Server" <pbmserv@gamerz.net>
  >Subject: mhearts move 222 volta <mypassword> pass card1,card2,card3

'mhearts help' gives an error message, there seems to not be a help
file for mhearts. 'hearts help' gives the same error message, it
looks like hearts is just being replaced with mhearts before the
command is processed. 'help hearts' does get me the help file, which
suggests the syntax I'm using.

*smacks head*  Ok, nevermind.  I read 'pass' in the line:

  mhearts move 123 user pass 2h,qs,5c

as a command 'pass', not as shorthand for 'password'.  D'oh!
Dropping the extra word does work.

Still, 'mhearts help' and 'hearts help' are both broken, so I guess
I'll send this along anyway so someone with appropriate access can
fix them.