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[pbmserv] Broadcast from camb via PBM Server


I recently posted a Yavalath puzzle which contained an error.
Here is the corrected puzzle.


Here is a Yavalath puzzle: X to play and win.

                1 2 3 4 5
               / / / / / 6
                        / 7
         a-  . . . . x   / 8
        b-  . . . x o .   / 9
       c-  . o . o . . .   /
      d-  . . . x . . . .
     e-  . o . . o . x . .
      f-  . . o . x . . .
       g-  . x x . . . .
        h-  . o . . o x
         i-  x o . . o

This puzzle is based on a game played with wghunter. I believe that X 
has exactly one winning move and that all other moves lose quickly 
(assuming that O plays optimally).

Can anyone prove or disprove this?


PS. The rules of Yavalath are as follows:
- Players take turns adding a piece of their colour to an empty cell.
- Win by making 4-in-a-row of your colour.
- Lose by making 3-in-a-row of your colour without also making 4-in-a-row.