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[pbmserv] New Lambo rule

Dear Lamboists,

An optional rule has been added to Lambo: the two pieces played each turn must be adjacent to each other. Here are the updated rules: http://www.cameronius.com/games/lambo/

This new rule makes it harder to defend against disparate threats, hence more likely that each game will end in a kill rather than players defending until the tiles run out. I think this improves the game and imparts a greater sense of purpose to each move.

More testing is required! Please help out by challenging me to a game or two with the new rule.

Lambo is best played via the graphical web interface:

Challenges may still be submitted by email:
  lambo challenge <you> camb -adjacent
  lambo challenge camb <you> -adjacent

Don't forget to specify the "-adjacent" option!

Cameron (userid=camb)