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Re: [pbmserv] dna error

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 01:37:10PM +0100, Kevin Martin wrote:
> When sending the command
> all show kev82 next
> I get a couple of replies from the server with the subject "Dna Error"  
> and that say
> "Couldn't generate sequence without duplicates. Try a larger base,  
> larger chunk size or shorter sequence."
> I'm not even playing in any dna games. I'm guessing the dna code  
> doesn't know how to properly deal with the show command?

Yes, there's a bug in Dna that camb is working on.  Any attempts to
do a "show" on dna games results in those 3 msgs, I'm sorry.

And the way "all" works is that it does something like

"for each game directory, X, invoke
        '$X @args'

normally, "all show xyz next" will only return boards that 'xyz next'
matches, but when it tries 'dna show xyz next' it burps.

We're working on it.


 /  \__  | Richard Rognlie / Sendmail Ninja / Gamerz.NET Lackey
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