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Re: [pbmserv] Palago notation?

| > Could someone please define for me the space numbering
| > scheme used in Palago here on Gamerz? Thanks.
| Essentially random.  The possible spaces are renumbered each turn.
|  You can't tell anything by looking at the notation.
|  It's the saem with all of Cameron's boardless games.
|  Would you like to suggest a better system?

Well I doubt Cameron made use of any random value generator in
his program. Renumbering the spaces is fine, as long as this is
done in a consistent manner, otherwise, as you point out, the
whole purpose of a notation system is defeated. Cameron's
algorithm is deterministic, but it's not easy for the user to
determine what it is. So, I would suggest a scheme which IS easy
to understand. For example, label the vacant spaces in the
leftmost column top to bottom, then the next column to the right
top to bottom, etc. until you reach the bottom space of the
rightmost column.