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Re: [PyrNet-L] Read and Weep

The Hughes wrote:

> Hi all, This was sent to me today and I thought it was worth
> repeating. I
> will warn you that it paints a very sad scenario.
> I Am Famous Now
> Now I am hungry, dirty, in pain, and unwanted.
> Maybe the worse is unwanted. No one came though I tried to be good.
> Today
> someone came. They put a rope on my neck and led me to a room that was
> very
> clean and had a shiny table. They put me on the table.
>    Someone held and hugged me. It felt so good!!! Then I felt tired
> and laid
> over the last one who cared. I am Famous Now. Today someone cared.
> That was by far the saddest thing that I have ever read. I have had to
> wash my tear stained face twice. While I am typing this more tears are
> pouring out. The reality of it is unconcienable. I am now aware more
> than ever before of what a very difficult, heart wrenching, yet, noble
> and good cause rescue people have. Thank you Adrianne for posting
> this. I will never forget it.   Judith