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Re: [PyrNet-L] Read and Weep

Adrienne & others,

I have been reading the comments on this post and just wanted to add my two
cents worth.    While many people will say dogs don't feel (that's
debatable) I don't think that is the point.    I think the point is to make
us realize that breeding isn't to be taking lightly.  It will hopefully give
the person who plans on breeding the possibilities of what may happen to one
of your puppies.   I do realize that breeders do interviews and try to place
their puppies in the proper homes - however, it can happen where a breeder
can be fooled.    I have seen two different dogs who were purchased at pet
stores that had famous kennel (GPCA members) names in the pedigrees (1st &
second generation & yes this was reported to the Puppy Mill committee).   So
it can happen that a puppy buyer can fool even the most experienced
breeder - so just imagine what can happen to the novice?   Let us remember
that pet stores do not require that you spay/neuter your dog.    They do
come with AKC papers and can be registered and shown.    These people do not
have to join the GPCA and follow the Code of Ethics so therefore, it is very
naive of us to think that all who breed & show Great Pyrenees are
responsible GPCA members.

Here is an example of those who have no desire to join  or clue about the
If you have ever gone the through the Pennsylvania Dutch country - you will
find Pyr Pups for sale in card board boxes on the side of the road.    Many
Amish people are back yard breeders and this is how they sell their litters.
I have personally on more than one occasion have seen this.   I have
followed poorly hand written signs posted on telephone polls "Great Pyreness
Pups For Sale - CHEAP".      Yes, I made what I thought were the appropriate
calls but by the time they got there all the pups were sold.    So, what
could I have done - bought them all?    No, but our club did put on an
educational seminar that fall in hopes of saving one dog from rescue and
help puppy buyers (yes there were pet store puppy buyers as well as backyard
puppy buyers) get better educated about the breed.   We offered help in many
different areas - obedience problems, health problems etc., and had a ton of
information available with the intention of trying to help owners & pets
work through and prevent any problems that could result in the dog ending up
in rescue and/or euthanized.     This was not just for club members - it was
free and we had so many people come from different states besides PA!
No we did not save the world but if we saved one pyr then we accomplished
what we set out to do.

Education is key and needs to be focussed on - and the "Am I famous" post
does what it is supposed to do - make you feel bad, sad and outraged and
hopefully you will do something positive about it!    If it makes you mad
that some activist is out there using this as propaganda then take it and
turn it into something positive that will benefit the breed.      HELP

Thanks Adrienne for the post - even though that seminar took allot of work &
time - I am recommending that it is time our club do it again.

Thanks again Adrienne,

Dianne Migas - NJ

-----Original Message-----
From: The Hughes <devoir@intrepid.net>
To: Pyrnet-l@gamerz.net <Pyrnet-l@gamerz.net>
Date: Tuesday, March 03, 1998 10:16 AM
Subject: [PyrNet-L] Read and Weep

>Hi all, This was sent to me today and I thought it was worth repeating. I
>will warn you that it paints a very sad scenario.
>I Am Famous Now
>   I was born today, one of 10. My daddy was very famous. I have lots of
>half brothers and sisters. My mother is very famous. Since she got famous,
>she has only had puppies. No more loving hands, no more fun trips...just
>puppies. She is always sad when they leave her.
>   I left home today. I didn't want to go, so I hid behind my mama and my
>three littermates that were left. I didn't like you. But one day, they said
>I would be famous. I wonder, is famous the same as fun and good times? So
>you picked me up and carried me away, even though you were concerned about
>me hiding from you. I don't think you liked me.
>   My new home is far away. I am scared and afraid. My heart says be brave,
>my ancestors were. Did they go to good homes like mine?
>   I'm hungry because I can't eat too much because it will be bad for my
>bones. I can't bite or snap when the children are mean to me. I just run
>play and pretend that I am in a big green field with butterflies and robins
>and frogs. I can't understand why they kick me. I am quiet, but the man
>and says loud things. The lady doesn't feed me good things like I had with
>my mother. She just throws dry food on the ground, then goes away before I
>can get too close for touching and petting.
>    Sometimes my food smells bad, but I eat it anyway.
>   Today I had 10 puppies. They are so wonderful and warm. Am I famous now?
>I wish I could play with them, but they are so tiny. I am so young and
>playful that it is hard to lay in this hole under the house nursing my
>puppies. They are crying now. I am so hungry. I scratch and worry my fur. I
>wish someone would throw me some food. I am also very thirsty. I now have
>eight. Two got cold during the night and I couldn't make them warm again.
>They are gone. We all are very weak. Maybe if I take them out on the porch,
>we can get some food.
>   Today they took us away. Someone grabbed my puppies, they were crying
>whimpering. We were put in a truck with boxes in it. Are my babies famous
>now? I hope so, because I will miss them. They are gone.
>   The place smelled of urine, fear and sickness. Why was I here? I was
>beautiful like my ancestors. Now I am hungry, dirty, in pain, and unwanted.
>Maybe the worse is unwanted. No one came though I tried to be good. Today
>someone came. They put a rope on my neck and led me to a room that was very
>clean and had a shiny table. They put me on the table.
>   Someone held and hugged me. It felt so good!!! Then I felt tired and
>over the last one who cared. I am Famous Now. Today someone cared.