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[PyrNet-L] RE: how to stop male pyr from

Hi Tara,
Sorry for being so late to join in on this one, but our brand new computer
hard drive died.  Sounds to me like Farley is simply showing ownership of
those strange things in his territory.  A lot of Pyrs are very protective of
young children and that includes everything that belongs to them.  He
prbably doesn't want the bears and wolves to climb on Rosie's toys (g).  Can
you go outside with Farley for a while and squirt him with a water gun
whenever he starts lifting his leg on the toys.  Another suggestion would be
to shake a can filled with rocks (or even throw the can on the ground behind
him) and yell NO whenever you see him start to lift his leg where he
shouldn't. He needs to learn that the behavior is not ok.

Would it be possible for you to go out with him and take><<I know it's late
to join this discussion, but have you tried something>> 
><<like bitter apple or bitter orange or what about tabasco sauce.  These>>
><<items generally stop chewing but might they also work to reduce his>>
><<tendency to mark the toys too.  After all, why would he want to mark>>
><<something he has no more interest in.>>
><<hmmmmmmm, one last thought before I leave, what about some type of >>
>Steve & Jodi-
>Thanks for the suggestion.  It might work, but I think I'd be afraid of 
>Rosie getting the bitter apple/tabasco, etc. on her hands and then rubbing 
>her eyes.  Maybe we can find something along those lines that would 
>work...I'll look into it.  Thanks!
>Tara Morrison