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[PyrNet-L] Nationals video

On Thu, 23 Apr 1998, Patti Brunkala wrote:

> The Domino Video Company makes a video set of the Nationals.  I'm sure they
> would not have it ready yet, but their web site is http://www.dvcnet.com  
> I have the BOB set from last year and they do a very, very good job.  It's
> narrated with the registered name of the dog, the sire and dams names, and
> owners and breeders names.  It really is worth the cost!!  But alas, no, I
> do not have stock in the company.  <g>

Thanks Patti.  I checked their website and didn't find any information on
this past Nationals so I emailed them.  I was told that Domino was never
asked to do a video of the '98 Nationals.  Perhaps another company did a
video or no one at all.  


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