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[PyrNet-L] Checking In, Pyr People

Hi Gang,
     I missed ya'll! I only got back from AZ. 9 day's ago. Sedona was
particuarly mystical and left me with many spiritual goose bumps, that I

shall carry with me until I die. The Nationals for me was stupendous,
as some of you may have seen a real live example of on Penny's Page,
thank's a lot, David. Ummm, <g>. I was rocketed into a fifth dimension,
arm's wrapped around pyr, after pyr, after pyr. I was most grateful and
impressed with the quantity of showing pyr people, that for fun and for
free allowed me to cuddle and to play with their Pyrenees. Sometimes,
even right before the pyr was to go into the ring. With, the
stipulation, of course, that I would not leave any traces of lipstick on

their beautiful mush ball faces. <G>
    I cannot begin to tell you how many people on the street's have
thought that Jonah or Lexi was bleeding, when all they really had on
them was my red lipstick. <g>. Ya'll must be sick and tired of hearing
about the National's, perhaps, by now, so, I won't go ballistic on you
about it anymore. <bg> However, I really must say this much: As with
people on the list and pyr people from this National, as well as, from
last year's in Maryland; Pyr people never cease to amaze me with their
love of their breed, the kindness, love and laughter in their heart's,
for the pyrenees of the earth and for each other. Methinks' that  if
every Pyr person, were all condensed into a central brain, foremost, the

said brain, would be dominated by an undying  integrity of our breed.
Absolutely awesome, you guy's!!!  Big smile.
    BTW, in Arizona, I was not only without my pyr babies, but, feeling
kinda' lonely without my best friend and husband, Lee. You know, the
love of my life, the one that isn't the white and the  furry one... To
those of you that helped to make me feel so part of and proud to be part

of you, you know who you are, a BIG thank you!!!
    Time and life will for the moment, not let me post as much as I used

to. ( Ah! I hear sigh's of relief, already, <BG>) Which triples my
gladness that you all are out there posting up a storm, so that I can
read about you and your mush faces, much of the time.
     Just thought that I'd check in. Check!
    Take good care,
    Judith, Jonah & Lexi
        Dog spelled backward is God!