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[PyrNet-L] Returning to his element


The front pasture is finished.  Last night Patou was returned to his 
"element".  Although it is by no means as grand as the 15 acers he once 
had, it is a fair sized pasture and more then enough for one dog to 
guard.  I haven't seen him this content in a very long time.  When I let 
him in he paused to check out his animals before he took off around the 
fence line.  At each corner he made a circle as if to check out the 
security of the fence.  Down the hill then  up again on the other side.
I went inside for a moment and came back to find that several of the 
goats had gotten out....I knew these dogs were smart...but....  Patou 
was standing in the corner, closest to the house staring at them.  When 
he saw me he stuck his nose up under the fence in the coner and lifted 
it up off the ground as if to say *here, look at this shoddy workmen- 
ship!*...he dropped the fence then moved down a bit further 
pointing out the pasture's flaws...the fence to his left was on the 
ground, he pushed at that too, like he was trying to get it back up so 
the rest would not get out.  He stood there, watching, as I and a friend 
repaired the "forgotten" part of the fence...apparently there was a 
place for those "extra" nails....  The animals were put back in and 
Patou was content.
	I watched him for a while from the window and he listened to the 
dogs down the road.  I went back to work on another part of the fence 
and when it started to get dark my mother came and got me...she insisted 
that I come and watch Patou.  I went, and was pleasantly surprised that 
he had not forgotten any of his old tricks.  
	There is a large black dog that has lived accross the way from 
us for some time and every evening when that old dog's master comes home 
he gleefully chases the car like an old seasoned greyhound on the track. 
 Now that old dog, who can barely walk, can absolutely FLY down the 
road.  When Patou laid eyes on that dog, racing down the street he 
errupted from his resting spot and exploded down the hill side. I 
arrived to the spot at about the time Patou had begun to turn up the 
hill.  He thundered up towards the goats who emmidiatly obeyed his 
commands...goats, chicken, and geese, pushed in together.  The were not 
where he wanted them yet so he stomped his front feet and tossed his 
head, what ever he spoke to them worked, because in unison, they moved 
into the corner (the corner we had earlier patched), and Patou turned 
and galloped down the hill tossing his head, stiffining his front, 
stomping his feet, in a truely impressive display.  The black dog gave 
our side of the street a very wide birth and decided that chasing the 
car was not that important any more.  Patou seemed very pleased with 
himself.  He did not return to his place with the animals, instead he 
marked the fence posts in the lower corner a few more times.  He sat on 
a small mound for a few moments, then did something I had never seen him 
do.  He went into the *very tall* grass and concealed himself.  I 
watched him a while longer and every so often when I looked out at him I 
would see him pace that lowere fence line then return to his 
"blind."...It was like he was planning an ambush.
	This morning he was asleep by the gate, the chicken (freeway) 
perched on his side, the evil sister geese and It (we don't know if the 
third goose is a boy or girl yet) asleep in various places around him 
and the goats withen a few steps of their guardian.
	I can truly say Patou is happy again.


Adrienne Wilder  
Murrayville GA

"Oh, to be loved by a dog!"

Home of:
The golden gang,
Patou and the evil sister geese.
and many stray cats.