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[PyrNet-L] CHAT: Albert's outing to Future Shop & poking fun at us a bit.

   Today is my 22 yr. old son Steve's day off from Future Shop (he's sells
computers there). Steve just had to groom Albert and take him in to Future
shop to show him off again!!! Sometimes think Albert's getting to be their
official mascot there at Future Shop!! He's got quite the fan club and loyal
following!!!!  One time when he was a pup they played our video tape of Albert
there.  It was quite the treat to see Albert on three whole walls of TV's
there!!! Everywhere you looked - there was a cute little Albert pup!!!
Must've been about 100 TV's with Albert on them there!!  Really cute and such
a treat!!! Should have got THAT on video tape as well!!
    Tuesday I helped with first aid for my friend Penny's dog. (At first I
wrote that "I helped nurse my friend Penny's dog" - then while proofreading it
I got a funny picture in my head and thought I better change the wording!)
Anyway I drove up to her house and Buddy was hopping on 3 legs. Told her to
get her grubbies on and we'd check it out and see what we could do. Foot's
infected: Someone shot him with a pellet gun, it looks like. Disinfected it
and put Neosporin on and bandaged it. Huge heaping dose of loving attention,
too. Buddy seemed to know we were trying to help. He was an angel.
    Speaking of proofreading and things taking on different
connotations.......I often get to chuckling over some of the subject headings
that pop up on my screen for E-Mail I receive. Get some pretty interesting
ones there about "only one nipple", "nipples",  "neutering", my own "neutering
- non-pyr", "neutering and aggression", "excessive drinking, urination - long
again", "hot spots", "city girl meets the herd", "green spots & a trick", "to
show or not to show", "bitches behavior with puppies", Mile-High specialty",
"cross-species affair", "kids & puppies", etc. etc.  Sometimes hard to figure
out which are the porno ones to automatically delete and which are the dog
people ones!!!  Sorry gang!! Couldn't resist!!

 :)   &   :)````   (me grinning & Albert grinning & drooling!!)
  Janice Vocke
  Shelton, Washington