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Re: [PyrNet-L] CHAT: Puppy

In a message dated 10/14/98 1:18:42 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
carol_kirk@rocketmail.com writes:

<< Since we work she is confined to the
 laundry during the day for her safety and since she
 is not fully housebroken yet.  What types of
 suggestions can we solicit from the group as to ways
 to keep her entertained while in there during the
 day.  We keep a radio on for company and she has a
 Denta-bone, food, water, puppy pads and a crate with
 a blanket she can go into. >>

   First I can't stress enough: Puppy proof!!! No doubt there are many things
that a pup shouldn't have access to in any room of the house, but the laundry
room has many dangerous, poisonous things in it usually.  )You probably
already did this, but you didn't share that.) Plus you'll be amazed what the
pup can soon reach that you never dreamed he could!!!  More toys that keep the
pup busy would be good. The knotted rope and floss toys are great. Kong toys
are great and you can put treats in them. Dental Kong combines both of these!
Make sure nothing is too small or has small parts that could choke the pup.
Make sure any toys you leave there are safe and not easily chewed up! Many
toys need to be supervised. I'd expect the pads and blanket to be shredded. At
least mine did. Good Luck!! Hang in there!! We've  survived the first
year....not without many learning experiences and screams and not sure how
much sanity is left...but it has been fun!! A real adventure to put it
mildly!!! Never regret getting my Albert (the infamous Albert!!) Have fun!!

:)  &  :)```   (me grinning & Albert grinning & drooling!)

Janice Vocke
Shelton, Washington